Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mr. Lappy

The latest at the Lilly ranch is that earlier this week we had a thunder storm come through. I unplugged my wife's computer during the storm. When I went to plug it back in it came on but soon shut down while she was sending an email. I then realized that it was very loose where the plug was inserted. I couldn't get the computer to come back on.

Her computer is 7 years old so we decided not to have it fixed. So, she got my (I will never buy a) DELL computer with the 19" monitor. And... I went out and bought a new laptop. His name is Mr. Lappy and he's become a good friend to me in the last couple of days.

Luckily my wife did not have anything of importance on her computer. I make sure I backup everything while also keeping it on the hard-drive.. just in case the computer kicks or the disc I transfered to deciides not to work anymore. But I also don't have anything of great importance on my computer either. Just some old photos of David Hasselhoff, Timmay and Steve Guttenburg; people who have been with me throughout my life.

Ok.. I will have to remember to delete the last line I typed.. I'll get back to that.

Anyway, hopefully Mr. Lappy and I will remain good friends for a long time. I got him for a great price and he's even faster than my DELL computer. Dude, don't get a DELL! Story for another time.

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