Friday, October 10, 2008


I can't say that I am a 'diehard' baseball fan. I consider 'diehard' to be someone who has to watch every inning of every game. I have a life here. I get excited when the season starts and then towards the middle of summer I somewhat lose interest (but still know if the Phillies won or not). But the playoffs and the World Series are the most exciting part of baseball for me. And it's epecially exciting to see the Phillies in the playoffs.

As of right now the Phillies are kicking the Dodgers arses in Game 2. In game 1 all I can say is Derek Lowe looked like Richard Nixon in the Kennedy/Nixon debates of 1960. I even thought for a minute they were playing in LA since he was sweating so much his face looked irritated and red. But that's how the Phillies need to leave the Dodgers! Since Manny Ramirez is most of the team (since I only ever hear his name mentioned and Joe Torre) I guess we really need to keep striking Manny out. Also, I didn't even know the Dodgers still had a team until I heard they were playing the Phillies. GO PHILLIES! This is your year!!!

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